Social media mastery - Introduction


I am finally starting a newsletter!

This will be my attempt to write down, how I, an academic failure (at least on paper) - managed to grow an audience of hundreds of thousands across social media.

My goal? To help you develop your social media skills so you can grow your business or personal brand.

But why does this matter?

Well in 2025, personal brand is the buzzword that nobody can escape. But there is good reason for this! If you can get more attention onto your own content, then you can funnel that attention onto your own business, or other people’s (with you getting paid in the process).

So join me for my weekly insight, as I cover topics such as:

  • How to Get Your First 10K Followers Fast

  • Instagram vs. TikTok – Which one is best?

  • Long-Form vs. Short-Form Content: What Works Best?

  • Why You’re Not Growing & How to Fix It

  • How to create Viral Content

Plus many, many more!

Make sure to subscribe, and remember - “The person who loses, is the person who stops. Keep creating!”

- Jacob


Social Media Mastery - Which Platform Should I Post On? - Episode 1